2015 Christmas campaign, a story to remember
For our volunteers, the end of the year was a very busy period. The last month of 2015, as in similar years, we have managed to help a numerous people in Agnita - persons with disabilities, few possibilities children and families, but also elders from 3 institutions.
The "You can be Santa" campaign was supported once more by Roemenië Project Kerken from Oosterbeek (NL) that has not forgotten that there are people still in need in Agnita and surrounding area of it.
Special thanks to: Mr Leen van Doorn, Roemenië Project Kerken Oosterbeek and Social Assistance Public Service of Agnita Hall (SERVICIUL PUBLIC DE ASISTENTA SOCIALA).
For our volunteers, the end of the year was a very busy period. The last month of 2015, as in similar years, we have managed to help a numerous people in Agnita - persons with disabilities, few possibilities children and families, but also elders from 3 institutions.
The "You can be Santa" campaign was supported once more by Roemenië Project Kerken from Oosterbeek (NL) that has not forgotten that there are people still in need in Agnita and surrounding area of it.
- 15 families with needs and few possibilities have been provided with food packages, fruits and school supplies for the childrens.
- More than 100 beneficiaries from 3 elder institutions (in Agnita and Merghindeal village) have also received fruits and the Romanian "cozonac" for each.
- 100 kids (1-4 grade) from one of Agnita school have also been provided with sweets.
Special thanks to: Mr Leen van Doorn, Roemenië Project Kerken Oosterbeek and Social Assistance Public Service of Agnita Hall (SERVICIUL PUBLIC DE ASISTENTA SOCIALA).
UK adventure: Think Outside The Box

"Think Outside the Box" was the youth exchange that learned 26 young people about film-making and editing and exploring similarities and differences among cultures and religions.
The participants came from 3 different countries (UK, Czech Republic and Romania), with different backrounds and religious oppinions. However this project was developed in taking off the barriers that these may create. All the activities from the project were designed and developed in order to learn the participants about film making and editing tricks and also to learn the differences between their cultures and religions.
Visits to four religious buildings were made, where the young have practiced the things they learned about film making.
The project was runned through the Youth in Action programme managed in the UK by the British Council and funded by the European Commision.
The participants came from 3 different countries (UK, Czech Republic and Romania), with different backrounds and religious oppinions. However this project was developed in taking off the barriers that these may create. All the activities from the project were designed and developed in order to learn the participants about film making and editing tricks and also to learn the differences between their cultures and religions.
Visits to four religious buildings were made, where the young have practiced the things they learned about film making.
The project was runned through the Youth in Action programme managed in the UK by the British Council and funded by the European Commision.
(K)now the game

Študentov mariborskih (Maribor students club) will host, from 20 to 28 April 2013, a youth exchange to unite young people from 6 European countries for 7 days to learn how to spend time in nature, an alternative to stay in front of the computer.
Exchange partners are: Serviciul de Voluntari Agnita (Romania), Seiklejate Vennaskond (Estonia), Gozo Univeristy Group (Malta), Youth organisation “Izida-Svilengrad” (Bulgaria) and Associazione culturale Madart (Italy).
Want to be part of this unforgettable experience? Then we invite you to contact us for more details on [email protected]
Exchange partners are: Serviciul de Voluntari Agnita (Romania), Seiklejate Vennaskond (Estonia), Gozo Univeristy Group (Malta), Youth organisation “Izida-Svilengrad” (Bulgaria) and Associazione culturale Madart (Italy).
Want to be part of this unforgettable experience? Then we invite you to contact us for more details on [email protected]
The stronghold park rearrangement
The project submitted by the "Senior House" in collaboration with SC Eco Valley Hârtibaciu SA, Primary School "GD Teutsch "and Agnita Forestry and funded by MOL Romania and Partnership Foundation have started work on refurbishing Square Park Teutsch.
Besides beneficiaries were those of Agnita Volunteer Service, which seized and helped clean the park and prepared the fence for painting. The second day was for planting flowers and for this, elders and young volunteers have worked together.
Besides beneficiaries were those of Agnita Volunteer Service, which seized and helped clean the park and prepared the fence for painting. The second day was for planting flowers and for this, elders and young volunteers have worked together.
Visit from Oosterbeek.
Between 13 and 17 April 2012, Agnita has received the visit of some of the persons that helped our town in the last years. Some of the representatives of Roemenië Project Kerken Oosterbeek have been our guests for Easter.
Some meeting s with churches representatives in Agnita area have been held, some meetings with the management of the APADOR As. and visits to the beneficiaries of the social services provided by APADOR have been made. With this occasion, our Dutch guests have been introduced to the accomplishment and necessities of APADOR and have assured for their full support.
Some meeting s with churches representatives in Agnita area have been held, some meetings with the management of the APADOR As. and visits to the beneficiaries of the social services provided by APADOR have been made. With this occasion, our Dutch guests have been introduced to the accomplishment and necessities of APADOR and have assured for their full support.
Youth exchange in Ankara, Turkey.
Between 1 and 9 April 2012 our volunteer coordinator has participated in a youth exchange held in Sincan-Ankara (TR).
Participants from Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Slovenia have been involved. The main topic of WWY-WorldWideYouth exchange was social media.
Workshops about social media, history of social media in each country, differences and similarities have been presented by each team.
Further information about this exchange can also be found on website.
Workshops about social media, history of social media in each country, differences and similarities have been presented by each team.
Further information about this exchange can also be found on website.
Donations for APADOR gainers
Just recently the gainers of APADOR have received some attention from the Association and volunteers. The gifts consisted of fruits and sweets. Thank you for the support to our friends in Oosterbeek (Holland).
Important donation received from Holland

Earlier this summer Agnita has received an important donation offered by our friends in Oosterbeek.
Agnita Volunteer Service, APADOR and "Zâne pentru Tineret" Association, have received 17 laptops for use. These have been shared to the volunteers and for the APADOR headquarter for management purposes. These have been upgrated also with financial support of Roemenie Project Kerken Oosterbeek and are now ready to use.
Seven of the laptops are now in custody of A.V.S. and will be used in the project that will start in 17th of October, where the Elders House benefits will receive free computer / internet lessons.
Thank you for all the support offered to our Dutch friends in Oosterbeek and special thanks to Mr Leen van Doorn.
Agnita Volunteer Service, APADOR and "Zâne pentru Tineret" Association, have received 17 laptops for use. These have been shared to the volunteers and for the APADOR headquarter for management purposes. These have been upgrated also with financial support of Roemenie Project Kerken Oosterbeek and are now ready to use.
Seven of the laptops are now in custody of A.V.S. and will be used in the project that will start in 17th of October, where the Elders House benefits will receive free computer / internet lessons.
Thank you for all the support offered to our Dutch friends in Oosterbeek and special thanks to Mr Leen van Doorn.