Location: Ruše and Maribor (Slovenia)
Project dates: 20 - 28 April 2012
Organiser: Klub mariborskih študentov
The project was initially applied for in the spring of 2012 was rejected due to some missing paperwork, however this was approved in November deadline by the Youth in Action Agency of Slovenia. ''Know the Game" was a real success. Youngsters from 6 European countries have learned, for 7 days, how to have a healthy lifestyle.
The activities during the project were very diverse, based on sports and nature recreation. Daily details about these activities can be found on the blog written by the participants:
Partners of this project were: Serviciul de Voluntari Agnita (Romania), Seiklejate Vennaskond (Estonia), Gozo Univeristy Group (Malta), Youth organisation “Izida-Svilengrad” (Bulgaria) and Associazione culturale Madart (Italy).
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